What Is Summer Tourism Like In Europe? When Is The Best Time To Go?

You might be planning a very special trip that will take you to several countries throughout Europe. Summer is one of the most popular times to visit the continent and it's easy to see why. There are festivals, gorgeous beaches and plenty of attractions to visit. Although there is something to be said for taking a trip during any part of the year, the summer season seems to be special.

What is summer tourism like in Europe? When is the best time to go? Here are a few tips that can help.

Summer Is the Peak Season for Europe

In travel you have certain times in which any region is very busy, then others that are much quieter. These are sometimes called tourist seasons. Summer tourism in Europe is considered the high season. In many of the popular destinations, starting in mid to late spring, the tourists flock to Europe. While many love watching the spring flowers bloom and the trees bud, others like the warm temperatures and waters of early to mid-summer.

The most popular destinations such as Paris or Rome can be packed with crowds during this time and many of the famous sites will have long lines. If you can go earlier in the summer like May or later such as August or September, the crowds will thin out somewhat. Some cities, however, tend to be quieter at the heart of the summer tourism season, so research each city individually to know the best time to avoid large crowds.

If you enjoy the crowds and the excitement that comes with them, then summer tourism is the right time for you to visit Europe.

Nights in Many Smaller Places Are Fun

In the big cities, you will find that there really isn't a time when there aren't crowds. If you wish for a quieter visit, then you might like smaller cities or to try the city at night.

Some popular daytime destinations such as Venice, Toledo, or San Marino are popular destinations for summer tourism. They welcome cruise ships and beachgoers to their shores to enjoy the sun and sand. In the evening, they become quieter as cruise ships move off, and can make for a fun evening if you wish to stay there for a few days. Toledo is close to Madrid so you aren't far from a larger city, and San Marino is located a short distance from Italy's famous beaches. You can have the best of both worlds. Daytime crowds and sun, and quieter evenings in beautiful cities.

Also, some countries don't have the huge crowds that more popular destinations do. For example, Ireland and Britain during the peak season tend to be less crowded in many areas. 

453 Words

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Oh The Things To Do When Pets Travel With You America is such a joy to travel around, so it is no surprise that many citizens love to pack up the car and hit the road for weeks at a time. Of course, leaving the pets behind is not an option, so what do you do when you want to travel with non-human family members? Our travel website has plenty of tips and tricks about how to travel with pets. For example, what to look for when booking accommodation so that you have a place which suits the needs of both you and your animals. There is so much country to see and explore, so our blog posts help ensure everyone travelling has a memorable time.


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